Are you stuck in a dead-end job you hate and that is going nowhere?

Whether you are actively job shopping while feeling stressed and overwhelmed, or in a job that is unfulfilling or soul-sucking, we can help.

The good news is with our guidance, you can accelerate your job search and find the career of your dreams.

Does this sound familiar?

  • I am stuck in my current role and don’t see a clear path forward.

  • I have lost excitement and enthusiasm for going to work each day.

  • My job causes me anxiety and stress.

  • I’ve been laid off and it has been a long time since I interviewed for a job. 

Do you want to……

  • Reignite your passion for your work and career?

  • Find a role and career that inspires you each day to get the most out of yourself?

  • Have a step-by-step repeatable process for finding the right career for you?

  • Have a clear career path forward with actionable steps?

So that you can….

  • Have a fulfilling career, be engaged and happy. 

  • Design a career versus having a job. 

  • Wake up every day excited to go to work at the company in alignment with your career goals. 

  • Maximize your potential and income-earning ability 


You started out passionate about your career…

Only to wake up one day and realize:

The work you loved has become just a job.

The reality is approximately 77% of employees

“quiet” quit because they are

stressed out and unhappy. 




Why a CAREER is better than a JOB

A JOB is a place you go to every day for a paycheck. A CAREER starts with a vision you create and build for your lifetime.

We want you to make a conscious choice in building your career by having a vision and then operating by design.

Job Versus Career

Which one do you want?


Don’t get stuck in a dead-end job going nowhere!

The Career Formula

A career-focused program created for professionals like you who want a thriving career where you go to work each day and feel energized, excited, and valued while having less stress, more fulfillment, and a future by design.

5 Ways

The Career Formula

Can Help You!

  • We start by future-thinking your career.

    We take you through a powerful future-self exercise that will help you gain clarity about your desired career path.

    We help you clearly identify the ideal role, and make a list of potential companies as a target market.

    This helps us create career collateral that is highly customized.

  • We use the ideal role and your target company profile to create your career collateral.

    We create a unique brand message to finalize a results-driven resume, bio and optimized LinkedIn Profile to stand out in the job market.

  • We work with you to learn how to approach your network and potential employers.

    We teach you what and how to say to have the most impact.

    We provide specific ways to engage on LinkedIn to optimize your search efforts.

    This includes interview prep and interviews for skills mastery.

  • We know how to help you generate interviews and create connections with key decision-makers.

    We help you avoid the pitfalls of Applicant Tracking systems so that you avoid applying for hundreds of jobs and getting rejected.

  • We help you maximize opportunities by using a proven method that bypasses applicant tracking systems (ATS).

    We create a 90-day customized strategy and a repeatable action plan to get interviews immediately.



  • “Kelly has been a professional mentor of mine for the last five years.

    She was a source of support, empowerment, and career guidance as I navigated a pretty significant career transition.

    Kelly never hesitated to share her knowledge, experience, or advice – much of which helped me pivot into starting my own business. I can’t speak enough about how valuable that support, encouragement, and guidance from a fellow professional woman is and continues to be for me.

    Kelly’s depth of knowledge and expertise in the real estate space as well as her magnetic ability to find and hire the un-findable candidates. In both spaces, I can say with complete certainty that Kelly’s integrity, work ethic, and genuine care for her clients and business partners drives exceptional outcomes.”

    ~ Tessa Grashuis

  • “Kelly coached me through a compensation conversation for an added role in my organization.

    She first listened to all the background I provided and asked questions to make sure she fully understood my specific situation.

    She did research on the roles I would be filling and validated what I thought was my worth.

    She gave me advice and dialogue on how to approach the conversation with my boss. We did some light role-play so that I had a solid idea of what I was going to say in various scenarios.

    She gave me the confidence I needed to follow through on making sure that I would be paid fair market value for the added responsibility I was receiving.”

    ~ Joe M.

  • “Kelly's consultative style makes people trust her and consider her a partner in their personal growth.

    She shares content that works! I will purchase everything that Kelly publishes, as I know it will move the needle in my life and business.”

    ~ Amy Chorew

  • "I have had the privilege of working closely with Kelly White over the past few years, and I cannot express enough how invaluable she has been to me in both my career development and my real estate ventures.

    Kelly's expertise and dedication have truly made a significant impact on my professional journey. In the realm of career guidance, Kelly has been a guiding light.

    Her insightful advice and strategic approach have helped me navigate the complexities of the job market, enabling me to make informed decisions that align perfectly with my aspirations.

    She possesses an innate ability to identify my strengths and weaknesses, providing me with constructive feedback that has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally.

    Kelly's commitment to excellence, coupled with her unwavering support, has made her an invaluable asset in my journey.

    I am immensely grateful for her guidance, which has not only advanced my career but has also greatly contributed to the success of my real estate companies.

    Kelly White is a true professional, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking career guidance or support in the hiring process.

    Thank you, Kelly, for your outstanding contributions to my professional growth and the success of my businesses.”

    ~ Troy Palmquist